2024 Summer Camps News
Congrats to all the Five Summers planning students who were accepted by the following summer camps:
Yale Young Global Scholars
Stanford Summer Session
Wharton-Product Design Academy
Pioneer Academics
SHAD Canada
Launch X
Cornell Pre-College
and more!

🎊 Class of 2028 EA/ED Good News!
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the early round of applications in the 2023-24 application season!
Our students were accepted by:
Cornell University
Northwestern University
University of Chicago
NYU Stern School of Business
Rice University
Emory University
Boston University
Fordham University
and our students have received a total of over $100,000 in scholarships.

🎉Class of 2027 Admission Results
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the 2022-2023 application season!
US Schools
Columbia (1)
Duke (1)
John Hopkins (2)
NYU Stern (4)
NYU (2)
Graduate Schools
UPenn (1)
Columbia (1)
Click here for more results!

🎊 Class of 2027 EA/ED Good News!
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the early round of applications in the 2022-23 application season!
Our students were accepted by:
Columbia University
Johns Hopkins University
Rice University
University of Michigan
University of Southern California
NYU Stern School of Business
NYU Tisch School of the Arts
NYU College of Arts & Sciences
Washington University, St. Louis
Boston University
Boston College
Northeastern University
Parsons School of Design
Chapman College of Film and Media Arts
Babson College School of Business
Santa Clara University
and our students have received a total of $96,000 in scholarships.
For graduate school application, our students were accepted by:
Columbia University
University of Pennsylvania
Georgetown University
University of California, Berkeley

🎊 2023 ED/EA Results
2022 is a year full of both opportunities and challenges. The Five Summers team has been committed to serving our students and achieving outstanding results. We have achieved a 68% success rate with our ED/EA Applications for U.S. universities and we are especially proud that all students who applied to NYU Stern, NYU Tisch and NYU CAS have recieved their offers.
NYU is one of the most popular universities after the Ivy Leagues, with high admission standards and a declining admission rate. Nonetheless, nine of our students were admitted to NYU in 2021. This year, with our extensive experience and strong expertise, our admission rate of NYU has increased to 100%!
As of today, our students have recieved ED/EA offers from the following universities: Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, NYU Stern School of Business, NYU Tisch School of the Arts, NYU College of Arts & Sciences, Rice University, Chapman College of Film and Media Arts, Babson College School of Business, Santa Clara University, and our students have received a total of $56,000 in scholarships. We are overjoyed to share this wonderful news with you during this holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2022 Summer Courses
Five Summers summer courses are now open for registration. We offer AP courses, specialty English courses, math courses, sciences, business&finance courses, you name it! Parents and students are welcome to contact our customer service to register.
Click here to see full summer schedule
Click here to read about our English courses

🎉Class of 2026 Admission Results
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the 2021-2022 application season!
US Schools
Yale (1)
Columbia (1)
NYU (6)
NYU Stern (3)
Graduate Schools
UPenn (1)
Columbia (1)
Click here for more results!

2021-2022 ED2 Admission Results by February 16th
US Schools
Yale University 1
Columbia University 1
New York University 6
NYU Stern 3
University of Southern California 1
Boston University 1
Northeastern University ($16k Scholarship) 2
The Ohio State University 1
Parsons School of Design ($68k Scholarship) 1
Emerson College ($60k Scholarship) 2
Fordham University ($20k Scholarship) 3
Santa Clara University 1

2021-2022 Wharton Investment Competition Global Top 50
Congratulations to Team "Castor" and Team "Radiant Investment" won the world's Top 50 in 2021-2022 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition and entered into semi-finals. They are standing out from nearly 1,300 teams around the world. Thanks for team mentors and students for their contribution and great teamwork!

🎉2021-2022 EA/ED Good News! (Vancouver Campus)
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the early round of applications in the 2021-2022 application season!
Our students were accepted by:
Yale 1
Columbia 1
NYU Stern 2
Parsons 1 (Scholarship $68,000)
Emerson 1 (Scholarship $60,000)
Fordham 2 (Scholarship $100,000)
Santa Clara 1

Winter Literature Class: The Great Gatsby
Class schedule
December 12 - January,Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
9 classes in total, 2 hours per class
Group A: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Group B: 1:00-3:00pm
Group C: 4:00-6:00pm
Group D: 7:00-9:00pm
Click here for more class information

Reading & Writing Class in Fall

Join us! 2021 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition
This event, hosted by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, is a global, online investment simulation for high school students (Grade 9-12). The competition is recognized as one of the top high school investment competitions globally. Since 2012, WGHS has attracted over 70,000 students from 27 countries.
Five Summers Astera Team advanced to the 2021 Regional Finals. Only 50 teams (out of more than 4,000 teams) around the world have been selected to regional finalists. We are currently recruiting team members to join the competition with us this year.
Please contact us via 604.428.3788 if interested.

🎉Class of 2025 Admission Results
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the 2020-2021 application season!
US Schools
Princeton (1)
Duke (1)
Johns Hopkins (1)
Northwestern (1)
RISD (1)
Parsons (1)
UK Schools
Cambridge (1)
Click here for more results!

Summer Camps
Congrats to all the Five Summers students who were accepted by the following summer camps:
Yale Young Global Scholars
Cornell Pre-College
SHAD Canada
Pioneer Academics
The Concord Review
and more!

2021 Spring Class
Please contact us via 604-428-3788 if you are interested in any following classes.
20th American History (G8~11)
Youth Financial Class (G5~8)
AP Satistics
Creative Writing (G8~11)
Academic Writing (G8~11)
Mythology (G5~7)

Wharton Investment Competition Good News!
Congratulations to our Five Summers Astera Team advancing to the 2021 Regional Finals. Only 50 teams (out of more than 4,000 teams) around the world have been selected to this year's regional finalists. We appreciate all your time and contribution. Bravo!!!

🏅2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Competition Awards Winners!
Big congratulations to our Five Summers planning students who won 5 Gold Keys, 11 Silver Keys and 8 Honorable Mention awards in the 2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!
For more information, please visit

SAT/ACT Prep Class
Instructor: Dr. Houman
Class Schedules:
SAT, Fridays 7:00pm ~ 9:00pm
ACT, Wednesdays or Fridays, TBD

Reading & Writing Prep Class
a literature-driven survey of history, culture, and knowledge that competitive American and British university applicants would generally be expected to know
study influential texts of American, British, and World literature in order to develop critical thinking skills
practice the type of close reading and analytical essay writing essential for success on university entrance exams (including the SAT and ACT)
learn the names, terms, and references that define Western cultural history
help students become outstanding university applicants by equipping them with the critical skills necessary for first-class thinking and writing and active engagement in the world

Join Us! 2020 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition
This event, hosted by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, is a global, online investment simulation for high school students (Grade 9-12). The competition is recognized as one of the top high school investment competitions globally. Since 2012, WGHS has attracted over 70,000 students from 127 countries.

🎉🎉🎉2020 Class of 2024 Results! (Vancouver Campus)
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the 2019-2020 application season!
Our students were accepted by:
US schools:
Stanford (1)
UPenn - Wharton (1)
Duke (4)
Cornell (3)
U of Chicago (2)
Johns Hopkins (1)
UCBerkeley (6)
UCLA (4)
Carnegie Mellon (3)
Washington in St. Louis (1)
Emory (3)
Georgia Tech (3)
NYU (4)
USC (3)
U of Michigan (7)
U of Washington (7)
Northwestern (2)
Rice (1)
Georgetown (1)
Tufts (2)
UCIrvine (4)
UCSD (13)
BC (1)
BU (2)
Northeastern (1)
Fordham (2)
- Economics + $80k entrance scholarship
- Business
UK schools:
U of Cambridge - CS (1) + £40k scholarship
Imperial College London - Medicine, CS (3)
UCL (3)
King's College London (1)
Durham (1)
US school:
Cornell - Hospitality Management (1)
LSE - Global Management (1)

🎉2020 EA/ED Good News! More coming soon! (Vancouver Campus)
Congratulations to our Five Summers students admitted in the early round of applications in the 2019-2020 application season!
Our students were accepted by:
US schools:
Duke (2)
Cornell (2)
Northwestern (1)
Johns Hopkins (1)
Carnegie Mellon
- CS (1)
Georgia Tech
- Aerospace Engineering (1)
NYU (4)
U of Chicago (2)
U of Washington (3)
Emory (1)
Fordham (2)
- Economics + $80k entrance scholarship
- Business
U of Michigan (4)
- CS (1)
- Engineering (1)
- Arts & Science (2)
Northeastern (1)
Purdue (3)
- CS (1)
- Engineering (2)
U of Minnesota (1)
U of Indiana (1)
UK schools:
U of Cambridge - CS (1) + £40k scholarship
Imperial College London - Medicine (1)
UCL - CS (1)
King's College London (1)
Durham (1)
US school:
Cornell - Hospitality Management (1)
LSE - Global Management (1)

🏅2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Competition Awards Winners!
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is North America's largest and most prestigious writing competition for teenagers since 1923.
Big congratulations to our Five Summers planning students who won 2 Gold Keys, 4 Silver Keys and 5 Honorable Mention awards in the 2019 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!
For more information, please visit

Workshop IV: What are keys to building healthy parent-child relationship besides love?
Speaker: Dr. Li Sha
Date: November 27, 2019
Time: 10:00am ~12:00pm
Location: Kerrisdale Office
218-5511 West Blvd, Vancouver V6M 3W6
Date: December 5, 2019
Time: 10:00am ~ 12:00pm
Location: Park Royal Office
612-100 Park Royal S, West Vancouver V7T 1A2
Register today at 604 428 3788

Workshop III: How to help kids develop good habits
Speaker: Dr. Li Sha
Date: October 23, 2019
Time: 10:00am ~12:00pm
Location: Kerrisdale Office
218-5511 West Blvd, Vancouver V6M 3W6
Date: October 31, 2019
Time: 10:00am ~ 12:00pm
Location: Park Royal Office
612-100 Park Royal S, West Vancouver V7T 1A2
Register today at 604 428 3788

Workshop II: How to effectively communicate with kids
Speaker: Dr. Li Sha
Date: October 3, 2019
Time: 10:00am ~12:00pm
Location: Kerrisdale Office
218-5511 West Blvd, Vancouver V6M 3W6
Register today at 604 428 3788

Workshop I: Time Management & Study Skills
Speaker: Dr. Peter Morelli
Date: September 7, 2019
Time: 1:00pm ~ 3:00pm
Location: Kerrisdale Office
218-5511 West Blvd, Vancouver V6M 3W6
Register today at 604 428 3788

🎉Class of 2023 Results
Congratulations to all of Five Summers students on their amazing college admission results in the 2018-2019 application season!
Some of the universities to which our students have received admission include:
Harvard (2)
UPenn (3)
UChicago (1)
Brown (3)
Cornell (5)
Duke (3)
Johns Hopkins (3)
UCLA (4)
UC Berkeley (9)

🏅2019 Scholastic Art & Writing Competition Awards Winners!
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is North America's largest and most prestigious writing competition for teenagers since 1923.
Big congratulations to our Five Summers planning students who won 5 Gold Keys, 5 Silver Keys and 7 Honorable Mention awards in the 2019 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!
For more information, please visit

🎓2019 Five Summers Early Admission Success Cases
Topic: Early Admission Success Cases
Speaker: College advising team
EA/ED students
Date: Jan 20th, 2019
Time: 10:30am
Location: VanDusen Botanical Garden
Peggy Gunn Woodland Hall B
5251 Oak Street, Vancouver
Dial 604-428-3788 to register now, limited seats available!

2019 EA/ED Good News! More coming soon!
Big Congrats to our Five Summers students admitted in the early round of applications in the 2018-2019 application season!
Our students were accepted by:
Harvard (2)
UPenn Wharton (1)
Brown (1)
Cornell (3)
Emory (1)
NYU (1)
Carnegie Mellon (1)
Boston Univ. (4)
Grad School:
Carnegie Mellon (1)
10,000 USD entrance scholarship
Duke (1)

Reading & Writing Power G6/7
Being able to quickly and confidently identify the main points of a complex and difficult text, or produce an organized and thoughtful response to a work of literature are skills that will lead to students’ success in university and beyond. These skills make them stand out and gain the attention of professors, recruiters, interviewers, bosses, and employees!
The goal of this class is to help students reach their maximum potential in reading comprehension and clear, forceful writing. In this course, strong reading and writing skills are equal to confidence and power!

Five Summers 2018 Summer Courses
This summer, Five Summers offers a variety of school courses in July and August. Take a class this summer and get a head start on the next school year.
Grade 3-6 Creative Writing
Advanced Writing Workshop (Grade 8-12)
SAT Boot Camp
SAT English Lit/Math/Physics
AP Calculus/Physics/Stats/Bio/Psych
All kinds of high school courses
Interested in any summer courses? Register now for 2018 summer courses or ask more details at 604-428-3788.

Seminar Summary: 2018 US/UK University Admission Success Cases
The US/UK University Admissions Success Cases seminar - held April 15, 2018 in West Vancouver - witnessed participation of over 70 parents and students throughout the Greater Vancouver Area. Congratulations on our successful seminar and big thanks to all parents and students who attended!
If you want to know more successful admission stories, click here or call 604-428-3788 to register for 45 Mins Free Consultation!